Students Login Here

As part of your course, we will be using a virtual classroom environment, known as a JBCourse Manager. In order to gain access to this system, you will need to create an account and enroll in your course.

Please pay close attention to the following instructions:

1. Visit (bookmark this page or return here to login)
2. Under the heading "Is this your first time accessing JBCourse Manager?" - click "Create new account"
3. Enter valid information in the text fields from the account creation page, including the image-based password and click "Create my new account"
4. You will receive an email confirming your registration from either "JB Administrator" or "JB Support"
o If you do not receive this email within30 minutes, please check your SPAM and JUNK folders.
o If you've still not received it, please contact Captain David Martinez by submitting a report to:
5. Once you receive it,click the hyper link in that email to confirm your registration and log in to the site:
6. Once logged in, you will be directed to you own personal dashboard, called myJBCourse. To the right of the page, click the link titled "Click here to Search For Your Course" (In the Search Courses block)
7. From the next page, enter your Course ID Number into the search box & click GO:
Course ID Number: FQ4UZ2900U
8. Locate your course, and click the course/class title (hyper link)
9. To protect your security online, we have password-protected each individual course  You will need to enter the following “Enrollment Key” in the open box and click Enroll Me In This Course:
Enrollment Key: 0MAG4TALV202YAUN
Relax! The hard work is now over  The next time you login to the website you'll only need your username and password.